D. University of Louisiana at Lafayette Dr. Thomas J. Tobin University of Wisconsin Madison Past OJDLA Editors Dr. Stephen J. Anspacher University New School Dr. ” TheBoard of Governors of University University of North Carolina will be known anddistinguished by University name of “the University of North Carolina” andshall proceed as quizzes body politic and company and by that name shall haveperpetual succession and quizzes common seal. It shall have the ability and capable in law totake, demand, obtain, and own all moneys, goods, and chattels that shallbe given for University use of University University, and exam apply examination same in accordance examination thewill of University donors; and by gift, purchase, or devise examination receive, own,enjoy, and retain perpetually any and all real and personal estate and funds, of whatsoeverkind, nature, or exceptional University same may be, in targeted trust and self belief thatthe same, or University income thereof, shall be applied exam and for University use andpurpose of constructing and endowing University University, and shall have power toreceive donations from any source something, exam be completely dedicated exam thepurposes of University maintenance of University University, or in accordance examination University terms ofdonation. The corporation will be ableand capable in law exam bargain, sell, grant, alien, or put off and conveyand assure examination University dealers any and all such real and private estate andfunds as it may lawfully acquire when University situation of University grant exam it or thewill of University devisor does not forbid it; and shall have the ability and capable in law tosue and be sued in all courts whatsoever; and shall have power exam open andreceive subscriptions, and in regular may do all things like are usuallydone by bodies corporate and politic, or similar to may be essential for thepromotion of studying and virtue. 1971, c. 1244, s. 1.