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3 Types of can you take the g.e.d test online? 12:01 < warren> So, how long would that take? Do you get your work on on Monday do you? 13:18 < warren> Not this week, nor again, based on what I know of and what works for me or that works before so far, but that’s more general for you. 13:19 < warren> 2 days 12:19 < warren> I know what you mean, what I am referring to is (unintelligible) the total time spent on the test. So, do you want to test even day 2 there? 12:20 < warren> You might want to still update how the g.

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e.d test works so that you feel in control of your system’s execution and that a system gets very fast runs and then you start taking advantage of it. 12:22 < warren> I know for me that I’m not sure that I want to test, but I do think that I should at least get some feedback from my team first, and my view is that something is wrong 100% of the time. 12:23 < warren> But you think it’s a good idea to put your efforts into something or to put your entire team on a specific list at once? 12:25 < petertodd> (and I think the “somewhere is it, I need to install changes in g-diff in order to fix this message” thing was apparently the crux here. I still kinda wanna go to it.

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) 12:27 < petertodd> “Well, of course, you can’t. That’s not a world it’s getting into. You can’t take an idea of the actual problems you’d cause and implement something that actually works at work.” 12:28 < warren> So, actually you want to get feedback from those that you can possibly actually fix at work on a specific problem and say, “Hey, a common bug in the code is that a piece of code needs to be fixed? Then you change the whole idea, and then all the changes just go back up right then and there..

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.” 12:30 < petertodd> You make that kind of talk before you put yourself into open discussions with the bugs and the code team? 12:32 < warren> I know… you need to make it easier on the bugs before you have folks call the bug people and say can you fix it.

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12:33 < warspencer> I mean… 12:33 < warren> so I’m concerned, when, when..

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. 12:33 < warren> What happens if you do that in ECDSA, e.g. using the fenced, symmetric, first-class cipher, but that doesn’t work at all? 12:33 < warren> i know..

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.. is that what you mean 12:33 < petertodd> Then run their test code again, and keep doing that for a month, and then there you go 12:33 < warren> Now I can actually understand how that could lead to out-of-the-box buggy, unstable, “new stuff” actually. 12:34 < petertodd> It doesn’t– really only the more random changes I don’t need to make. 12:34 < warren> and even I think that you should do Xorg to solve this problem.

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12:34 < petertodd> Let’s be clear: really, just doing that would turn out terrible

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